Bitcoin Cash

Current rate for Bitcoin Cash: $377.29 . Change over the last 24 hours: 4.36% .
Market capitalization: $7,218,105,016. Trade volume over 24 hours: $187,746,524.
Market Cap$7,218,105,016
24h Volume$187,746,524

Bitcoin Cash, commonly known as BCH, was born out of a need to address the scalability issues faced by Bitcoin. Launched in 2017 as a fork of Bitcoin, it significantly increases the block size, allowing for more transactions to be processed at a faster rate. This enhanced transactional speed and efficiency have made Bitcoin Cash a favorite among many online traders and gamblers. Many online casinos have integrated BCH as one of their primary transaction methods, valuing its quick transaction times and the trust it has garnered within the crypto community. For those in search of a reliable and fast cryptocurrency for online gaming experiences, Bitcoin Cash stands as a robust choice. Its relevance in the crypto market, combined with wide acceptability, ensures that BCH is here to stay.

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