Current rate for USDC: 0.99983652 . Change over the last 24 hours: -0.04% .
Market capitalization: $34,118,806,932. Trade volume over 24 hours: $5,512,641,559.
Market Cap$34,118,806,932
24h Volume$5,512,641,559

USDC on ERC-20 represents one of the most adopted versions of the USD Coin. The ERC-20 token standard, which operates on the Ethereum blockchain, has become the predominant platform for numerous tokens, with USDC being no exception.

More about USDC on ERC-20

The Ethereum blockchain’s capabilities provide both flexibility and security for tokens adhering to the ERC-20 standard. This has led to its widespread use, especially for stablecoins like USDC. Being on the Ethereum network ensures not only the decentralization and security that the platform offers but also compatibility with a wide range of decentralized applications (dApps), wallets, and services. This makes USDC on ERC-20 particularly versatile, and it’s often the go-to choice for traders, investors, and dApp users looking for stable value in the crypto space.

Moreover, because of the vast adoption of the ERC-20 version of USDC, it has become one of the primary on-ramps for users entering the cryptocurrency world. Its integration within many DeFi platforms and exchanges underpins its significance in the current crypto ecosystem.

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