Tether (USDT)

Current rate for Tether USD: $1.00 . Change over the last 24 hours: 0.00% .
Market capitalization: $114,285,869,226. Trade volume over 24 hours: $39,517,205,884.
Market Cap$114,285,869,226
24h Volume$39,517,205,884

Tether, often referred to as USDT, is a stablecoin whose value is pegged to the US dollar on a 1:1 basis. This cryptocurrency token offers a unique blend of the benefits of open blockchain technology with traditional currency. It serves as an ideal instrument for cross-border transfers, trading, and as a store of value in the volatile crypto world.
Tether (BEP-20)Tether (ERC-20)Tether (TRC-20)
Given USDT’s many advantages and its popularity, it has been integrated into various blockchains. This results in the existence of multiple versions of Tether across different blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, TRON, and others. Each of these versions offers unique features and is optimized for specific use cases. For instance, some blockchains provide faster and more cost-effective transactions, while others ensure greater security or compatibility with diverse applications. The choice of a particular blockchain depends on the needs of the users and the specifics of online casinos.

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